Kateřina Staňková
Associate Professor in Dynamic Game Theory

Evolutionary Game Theory lab
Ideas for student projects (thesis research and/or internship)


2012: Maastricht University Leading in Learning Grant (EUR 25,000)
2013: Maastricht University Leading in Learning Grant (EUR 5,000)
2015: Marie-Curie RISE grant "FourCModelling" (work package leader) (total EUR 243,000)
2015: University Funds Limburg (SWOL) funding for staff exchange (EUR 5,000)
2015: KNAW Funding for Organizing Lorentz Workshop "Game Theory and Evolutionary Biology: Exploring Novel Links" (EUR 7,500)
2015: NWO Funding for Organizing Lorentz Workshop "Game Theory and Evolutionary Biology: Exploring Novel Links" (approx. EUR 25,000)
2015: Funding from European Mathematical Society (EUR 1,000)
2017: SWOL funding for staff exchange (EUR 5,500)
2017: NWO Funding for Organizing Lorentz Workshop "Understanding Cancer through Game Theory" (approx. EUR 25,000)
2018: NWO Visitor grant (EUR 5,700)
2018: Co-leader of the winning team at the 2018 Integrated Mathematical Oncology workshop ($ 50,000)
2020: EU ITN grant "EVOGAMESPLUS" (project leader) (total approx. EUR 4,000,000)
2020: NWO KLEIN2 grant "Understanding metastatic cancers through game theory and dynamic systems theory" (project leader) (total EUR 570,000)
2020: NWO Stairway to Impact Award for game-theoretic models of cancer and bringing evolutionary therapy based on these models to clinical trials (EUR 50,000)
2021: Delft Technology Fellowship
2022: NWO VIDI grant (EUR 800,000)